Senior Spotlight: Caleb Felton
Today Triton High School honors the accomplishments of senior Caleb Felton. Caleb is the son of Todd and Tabitha Felton of Bremen. Caleb is still deciding on a college but he plans to major in computer programming.

Q&A with Caleb
Do you have any siblings? Yes, I'm the youngest of Keila Felton, Rachel Kaznia, and Jonathan Felton.
What clubs or activities do you participate in outside of sports? I was in Helping hands for 3 years, Art Club for 3, and NHS for 2.
Who were your role models growing up? Who inspires you today? One of my role models growing up was my uncle Harold when he built his own truck from scratch. One of the people who inspires me today is my brother who joined the Marine Corps.
What's the most important life lesson you have learned? I would say the most important life lesson that I have learned is to treat others the way you want to be treated. I know this is a saying taught in kindergarten but it makes all of the difference in interactions between you and your peers.
What do you consider your biggest life accomplishment so far? I would say at the moment my biggest accomplishment is graduating high school. I set this goal when I was 5 years old in kindergarten.
What impressions do you hope you've made as a scholar, athlete, and/or member of the community? I hope that I made the impression of being a kind and caring individual.
What's something interesting that most people don't know about you? I love reading.
If you won an all-expenses-paid trip to anywhere in the world, where would you go? Iceland
If you had 2 hours every week to do anything you wanted, what would it be and why? Since I enjoy drawing, I would draw on my computer.
Is there anyone you would like to thank or give a shoutout to? I would like to thank everyone working in the office for always being kind and friendly.
Anything else you would like to share about yourself, your class, hopes, dreams..... ? I would like to travel outside the country.
Rapid Fire
▶︎ Video Game: The Legend of Zelda
▶︎ Sport to watch: football
▶︎ Food: tacos or burritos
▶︎ Time of day: night
▶︎ Movie: Avatar
▶︎ TV or online show: Avatar: The Last Airbender
▶︎ Genre of music: classical
▶︎ Subject in school: Biology
▶︎ Dream Job: video game programmer