Senior Spotlight: Daniel Davis
Today Triton High School honors the accomplishments of senior Daniel Davis. Danny is the son of Theodore Miller and Kellie Kearney. Danny plans to enter the workforce with an open mind.

Q&A with Daniel
Do you have any siblings? Yes, I'm the youngest of Valerie Colwell, Mary Colwell, and Tom Davis.
Who were your role models growing up? Who inspires you today? My dad and my mom.
Do you have a memorable school moment you would like to share? That time I busted my face open on a desk during class. LOL
Who has been your favorite teacher and why? Mrs. Hammond, she helped me a lot and I'm grateful for that.
What's the most important life lesson you have learned? Don't be ignorant
What do you consider your biggest life accomplishment so far? Graduating high school, fingers crossed
What impressions do you hope you've made as a scholar, athlete, and/or member of the community? A good one
Do you have any advice or words of encouragement for underclassmen? Don't be ignorant
Do you have any special talents? I can read. I bet you didn't know that one.
What do you enjoy doing in your free time? Not much to be honest
Is there anyone you would like to thank or give a shoutout to? Shout out my boy David, shout out my girl Caitlin, shout out to all the real ones that ain't switch up, Mason and my boy Trenton
Rapid Fire
▶︎ Sport to play: basketball
▶︎ Video game to play: Halo 3: ODST
▶︎ Sport to watch: basketball
▶︎ Event to watch: basketball
▶︎ Event to attend: basketball games
▶︎ Mealtime: supper
▶︎ Restaurant: Wendy's
▶︎ Food: fries
▶︎ Sweet or spicy: spicy
▶︎ Color: purple and green
▶︎ Time of day: right now
▶︎ Season: basketball
▶︎ Holiday: Christmas
▶︎ Movie: Lions
▶︎ TV or online show: Spongebob
▶︎ Genre of music: trap
▶︎ Subject in school: Science
▶︎ Dream car: Twin-turbo 2020 Mustang GT500 five-speed with drag slicks
▶︎ Dream place to call home: anywhere nice
▶︎ Dream vacation spot: South Side, Chicago
▶︎ Dream job: one that pays well