2022 t-shirt design
BREMEN - September is Childhood Cancer Awareness Month and Bremen High School will be hosting their Annual GOLD OUT Football Game on Friday September 9th to honor all of our little heroes who have been affected by cancer. Believe in the Shine, a local group who dedicates their time shining their light on these children and their families has the perfect little MVP, Carter King, to kick off this special night. We graciously invite Triton High School to unite with Bremen High and GO GOLD for Childhood Cancer.
Below is the link to order shirts. Please consider purchasing a shirt, the proceeds go to care packages and Christmas packages for families affected by childhood cancer. Share the link with your parents, they can also purchase shirts and wear them to the game. These shirts will be the spirit night for the Bremen/Triton game. Wear your shirt and stand with us in the student section.
*****Triton’s shirt orders will be delivered to their school for distribution.
How to Order
Online ordering at MRImarketing.us click on TEAM SHOP enter code GOLD21 (Enter N/A in Players NAME and NUMBER) Fill out order form and pay with PAYPAL (do not need to be PayPal member to use this option) You will receive your order acknowledgement email from PayPal, that is your receipt, please disregard payment status on the website. ORDER Deadline FRIDAY 9/2 3:00PM DELIVERY Thursday 9/8
Contact MRImarketing at 574-209-0053 or MRIngole@gmail.com